An easy way to remove pomegranate seeds!

Sylvie, our Inn Kitchen Queen, loves to find a way to make things easier (and better) in the kitchen.  (She is the person who tried the avocado “swim” and it certainly worked!)
We are using more and more pomegranates.  We love them for their flavor; their healthiness; their easy accessibility and of course, their crunch!  Sylvie removed the seeds so easily the other day. We wanted to share it.
Place a pomegranate on the cutting board and cut the fruit in half cross-wise.  In other words, you want the stem at the bottom and top.  Cut through the middle.
In a good sized bowl, give the fruit a really good “rap” on the bowl and voila!  The seeds will end up in the bowl.
Couldn’t be easier!  If you have more seeds than you can use at the moment, just freeze.

The William Henry Miller Inn Lynnette Scofield Bed and Breakfast Foodie

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